The Thrifter’s Guide To Geekery – Season 0 – Episode 0

A while back I talked about making a podcast, but my progress on that project has been slow going. I still wanted to make something podcasting related though, so I’ve decided it would be fun to bring you folks along for the ride. In order to do that, I’m rolling out season 0 of my podcast The Thrifter’s Guide to geekery.

What’s a “season 0” you ask? Well, a lot of podcasts have been known to release a so called “episode 0”, which is basically an introductory episode that isn’t a part of the main narrative, but instead serves as a way to get their audience up to speed. I’ve decided to take that trend a step further and release a whole season of mini episodes that will chronicle my slog to make a podcast all about being a geek on the cheap. If everything works out I’ll have a new 5-10 minute episode up each week, and they’ll cover a variety of topics in regard the behind the scenes workings of both the podcast and my YouTube channel. I’ll be keeping the episodes on YouTube for the time being, but once season 1 launches I may think about moving these to iTunes, Google Play Music, Spotify, etc.

Author: Cly Faker